Great Decisions

August 4, 2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Key Largo Branch
101485 Overseas Hwy. Key Largo

Back by popular demand!

Join us the first Thursday afternoon of each month August – November for Great Decisions: America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The program provides background information and policy options for the most critical issues facing America each year and serves as the focal text for discussion groups across the country.

Attendees are encouraged to visit the library to read the Great Decisions Briefing article prior to the scheduled event. At the event, we’ll watch a 20 minute video about the topic in the Library’s Community Room then break up into small discussion groups to discuss the most critical global issues facing America today.

August 4 Myanmar’s neverending crisis

The situation in Myanmar, including the coup by the military in February 2021 and the ongoing human rights crises, coupled with civil resistance by those opposed to the regime, has led to the chaos in the Southeast Asian country. How are neighboring countries reacting, and what role will ASEAN play? By Hunter Marston

September 1 Xi’s China takes on the Quad

As part of the U.S. pivot to Asia, the United States has been in dialogue with Japan, Australia, and India in an effort to contain China. Recently, the Quad countries held joint naval exercises in the South Pacific. How effective will the actions of this alliance be?

October 6 No end in sight: a century of drug wars

The issue of migration to the United States from Latin America has overshadowed the war on drugs, which has been underway for decades with little signs of progress. What are the roots and the bureaucratic logic behind today’s dominant drug policies in Latin America? Is it time to reconsider punitive drug policies that disrupt supply chains and punish drug possession?

November 3 Foreign policy, economic policy, and U.S. industrial policy

The current discussion of industrial policy in the United States is not simply about whether or not to support specific companies or industries, but about trust or mistrust of the government and its ability to manage the economy and deal with a rising China. The upheaval in supply chains during the pandemic exposed weaknesses in the international economy. What policies can the United States implement to deal with trade and the economy?