Florida History Distance Services

For researchers unable to visit the archive, basic look-up and copying services (such as obituaries and city directory listings) are provided at a cost of $5.00 for each search. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer. Most customers send us a check along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope or a FedEx/UPS mailer.

Since most of the items in the archive are fragile or rare, we don’t loan these materials out for the purpose of outside copying.

Some archival material may also be available in digital format. Downloads of low-resolution, archival images or audio files from the Department’s digital collection sites are available free of charge.

High-resolution reproductions (generally, uncompressed, full-size master files) can be provided on removable storage, or delivered to an FTP or Dropbox account, at a cost of $10.00 per image. Non-profit and research organizations may be granted a waiver of this fee, at the discretion of Library staff.

Monroe County does not hold copyright over the original images in the archival collections. Responsibility for identifying and satisfying any copyright claims to the original images must be assumed by those wishing to reproduce the images.