Explore History
Additional Keys history resources here:
Florida Keys Newspapers

Search for and read Monroe County newspapers in the Florida Digital Newspaper Library at the University of Florida.
Florida Memory

Search select archival records from collections housed in the State Library and Archives of Florida.
Sanborn Maps

Search the Library of Congress database of the fire insurance maps of Key West from 1889-1948, published by the Sanborn Map Company.
Admiralty Court Records, 1829-1911

Record books created by the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida and its predecessors. Requires registering for an account (free).
Ancestry Library Edition

Your ancestors left clues along the way. Now, you can trace them online. Available only at your nearest library, access provided via our PCs or WiFi.
FamilySearch Library Edition

Enhanced access to the FamilySearch database. Available only at your nearest library, access provided via library WiFi.
Florida Keys Sea Heritage Journal

Archives of the monthly newsletter from the Florida Keys Maritime Heritage Society.