1852 – The Right Reverend Bishop Francis X. Gartland dedicated St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church on Duval Street. The first Mass was given by Father Silvain Huninq, a Belgian priest.
1953 – The Goodyear Supply Store was being built on the corner of Duval and Olivia streets by Larry Dion. He opened the store in April.
1956 – The M.S. Allen Funeral Home opened in a new concrete-block building at 325 Julia Street in Key West. The business also provided ambulance service with “oxygen and a two-level cot for the comfort of the ill.”
1962 – Astronaut John Glenn and his family left Key West to join President Kennedy at Palm Beach. Glenn and his family spent a secluded weekend at the Key West Naval Base after he returned as the first American to make orbital flight on February 20.
1977 – The new Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses at 1117 White Street was dedicated.
1985 – Key West voters approved a $13.2 million bond issue and 22-year lease for a solid waste disposal and resource recovery facility on Stock Island. They also supported a resolution calling for a nuclear weapons freeze between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
Information compiled by Dr. Corey Malcom, Lead Historian, Monroe County Public Library, Florida Keys History Center.
Image: 325 Julia St., Key West, Tract 10, Sqr 1, Lot 13, ca. 1965. Photo by the Monroe County Property Appraiser's office. Monroe County Public Library, Florida Keys History Center.