Who may use the meeting rooms?
Agencies and groups headquartered in Monroe County that are civic, cultural, educational or charitable in nature. All programs must be free of charge and open to the public, as space permits. No entrance fees may be charged or sales made. Library facilities shall not be used for personal or private profit, aggrandizement, or advertising.
How far in advance may I reserve the room?
These rooms are primarily used for Library events, so availability is limited. Rooms may be booked up to 6 months in advance on a first come, first-served basis.
Who sets up the room for my meeting?
Your organization is responsible for any needed furniture arrangements prior to your meeting, as well as any necessary clean up at the conclusion of your meeting.
What are the requisite legal disclaimers?
Use of Library meeting rooms does not imply Library endorsement of the aims, policies, or activities of any group. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any program or exhibit when necessary. Sponsors may be required to execute a “hold-harmless” agreement and/or furnish appropriate insurance naming Monroe County as additional insured for certain types of programs, in compliance with the “Use of County Property” policy and procedures.
How do I reserve the meeting room? Is there a projector? May I serve refreshments?
Please contact a specific location for meeting room availability, reservations, and information regarding available meeting and presentation technology. Refreshments may be served with the branch manager’s consent. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.