1830 – William R. Hackley recorded in his diary: Rose before seven, cut an orange and read the President’s message before breakfast. Afterwards read Caldwell. Mr. Torrey yesterday dismissed his suit against the cargo of the Brig Halcyon for what reason I cannot tell. Paid my house rent for two months up to the 15th inst. $25 dollars and paid George Weaver for money lost at whist $5.75. After dinner went up to the court house. Pascal B. Prior is preparing to open a mess there which I am thinking of joining. After tea read Livy. During the night a smart shower of rain fell. Wind northeast by east. Weather pleasant.
1912 – President William H. Taft returned from his inspection of the work on the Panama Canal and boarded a train for Washington, DC.
1923 – The Casa Marina Hotel opened for the season with a dinner and dance with the largest number of diners since its first year.
1923 – In two days, Key West fishermen brought in 106,000 pounds of kingfish which was selling for eight cents a pound wholesale.
1975 – Tourists were arriving in the Keys in record numbers. The Key West Chamber of Commerce reported that there was no room available and they were still receiving calls.
1983 – Fire destroyed the landmark Fountains Restaurant in the Old Cuban Club building on Duval Street at the corner of Amelia Street. The fire started when a propane truck filling the tanks at the restaurant caused an explosion, engulfing the area in flames.
1996 – Former President Jimmy Carter and 32 members of his family spent the New Year’s holiday in Key West.
Information compiled by Tom Hambright, Historian Emeritus, Florida Keys History Center, Monroe County Public Library.