1830 – William R. Hackley recorded in his diary: After dinner read Stewart and took a walk. Just at dark George Weaver and myself went over to Fontaine’s office where the cook was, having been brought up before Fontaine on a charge of using impertinent language to a daughter of a next door neighbor, of the name of Rigby, and on certification he ordered him to be whipped. Weaver asked to see the affidavit and was refused positively and some words passed. I also had some words and Captain James J. Board went up to Fontaine and cursed him making some of the expressions that a man with the least spark of courage must have resented but the honorable Judge thinking that “the better part of valor is discretion” pocketed the insult and walked off. He seems to have gotten up this morning in an unfortunate humor. Mr. O’Hara is determined to petition the Legislative Council for his dismissal. After tea played whist till ten. Judge James Webb and several other gentlemen came in they formed another party. The Revenue Cutter Pulaski sailed at dark for Havana. Wind northeast and cool. I slept under a blanket.
1873 – The Alligator Reef Lighthouse was completed.
1939 – The Navy signed a one-year lease for Trumbo Point and used it as the Naval Air Station. The plans called for a large hanger, quarters for personnel and repairs to the sea plane ramp.
1948 – Fausto Castillo began construction of new Fausto’s Store on Fleming Street at the corner of Bahama Street.
1949 – Gulf Research and Development Company, the research department of Gulf Oil, was searching for oil under the ocean around Key West.
1951 – The Coral Shores School on Plantation Key was formally dedicated by Horace O’Bryant, Superintendent of Schools. The guest speaker was Capt. George R. Rawlins, U.S. Army, Retired. School Principal Charles C. Albury was master of ceremonies. State Representative Bernie C. Papy and County Commissioners Gerald Saunders and Harry Harris were also on hand. The Key West High School Band provided music for the ceremony.
1952 – Crown Princess Martha of Norway and her two daughters were visiting the Keys and Key West.
Information compiled by Tom Hambright, Historian Emeritus, Florida Keys History Center, Monroe County Public Library
Image: Coral Shores School dedication in 1951. Seated on the left is Monroe County Schools Superintendent Horace O’Bryant. Wright Langley Collection. Florida Keys History Center, Monroe County Public Library. https://www.flickr.com/photos/keyslibraries/9050514012