1828 – The first term of the Superior Court Southern Judicial District of the Territory of Florida was held in Key West.
1830 – William R. Hackley recorded in his diary: Rose before the sun, read the “Acts.” I felt quite unwell when I arose and took a dose of Rhubarb Wine. Read Hammond. The dose I took this morning operated three times. After dinner read Stewart after tea played whist until near ten at which hour I went to bed. The wind from the northwest and the weather cool and pleasant.
1913 – Future Commandant of the Marine Corps, Leonard F. Chapman Jr., was born in the Methodist Church Parsonage at 411 Simonton St.
1953 – A record number of voters re-elected Key West Mayor C.B. Harvey over three opponents. Delio Cobo and Louis Carbonnell were elected to the Key West City Commission. Two other commission seats were decided in a runoff election.
1954 – Filming started on the adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ play the “Rose Tattoo.” The first day of shooting was at the house on Duncan Street next to Williams’ home.
1965 – Key West Mayor Kermit Lewin cut the ribbon to open the Sears Store, in the new shopping center on North Roosevelt Boulevard.
1970 – Bill Carter of Marathon was elected to the Monroe County Commission.
1981 – A 2 percent tourist tax for Key West was approved by the voters. It was estimated that the tax would bring in $425,000 to $450,000 annually to be used to promote Key West as a tourist attraction.
Information compiled by Tom Hambright, Historian Emeritus, Florida Keys History Center, Monroe County Public Library
Image: Burt Lancaster, Tennessee Williams, Burt Lancaster, Anna Magnani’s secretary (name unknown), Tennessee Williams and Anna Magnani in Key West for filming of The Rose Tattoo. The DeWolfe and Wood Collection, Florida Keys History Center, Monroe County Public Library. https://www.flickr.com/photos/keyslibraries/14127214177